
The law requires consent from members to record and share their personal details.
This policy document describes what we need, why we need it, and how it is managed.
Christchurch Amateur Radio Society (CARS) will comply with the Data Protection Act (GDPR) as follows:

  • Storing of Information
    o This paper sheet is stored in a secure container at the home of the Club Secretary.
    o An electronic copy transcribed from above to an Excel spreadsheet which is password protected.
    o The spreadsheet master is maintained by the Club Secretary who performs the role of “Data Controller”.
  • Sharing of Information
    o The membership list, and password, is shared only with:
    – The Chair, for compliance,
    – The Treasurer, for financial audit,
    – Other members of the Committee for internal Club use and resilience,
    o Name and Call-Sign for Newsletter, Website, Facebook, Twitter or external articles.
    o As required by a legal authority or process.
    o If a member requires the contact details of another member, they must contact the Secretary who will act as a conduit if both parties consent to their details being shared. Initial contacts will be anonymised.
  • Compliance
    o CARS is a “not-for-profit” Club and exempt from some legislation.
    o Concerns should be addressed in the first instance to the Chair.
    o The Chair can, at any time, require an information/data audit to ensure compliance.
  • Subject Access
    o A member can apply for a copy of the information we keep by application to the Club Secretary. They will receive a copy the data applicable to them only.
    o If a member wishes to change or delete any of their information at any time, they can do so by contacting the Secretary.
    o All club officials who at any time held such information will be required to confirm in writing (or via email) to the Data Controller that such information as been permanently deleted or destroyed.
    o Your details (all or in part) will be removed on request, when membership expires and is not renewed or when it is no longer necessary.

This document forms part of the CARS constitution.

Your Personal Details (normally on rear of Membership form):

  • Please read the statements on page 1 before completing this form.
  • By completing the relevant boxes below you consent to CARS recording that information.
  • Initial the box “Consent to Share” column if you consent to your informant being shared as described.
  • Additional information recorded by club officials will include, date of membership renewal and payment of subscriptions.
ItemDetailConsent to Share (Initials)
Full Signature    

Protection of children7 and vulnerable people8

ItemDetail (of the parent/guardian)
Parent /Guardian5 

Purpose Notes:
1 For identification, attendance register, badges.
2 For post, general and emergency contact.
3 Home &/or mobile – general and urgent contact.
4 Circulation of updates (e.g. newsletters) and general contact.
5 For recording.
6 For recording and consent from parent/guardian.
7 A person under 18 years of age
8 A person aged 18 years or over; Who may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation.