OFCOM Licensing Updates for Radio Amateurs – as issued on 21st February 2024 (PDF – 43 pages).
REVIEW OF 2023: See our NEWS page for a detailed review of our activities last year.
CLUB NET: Every Monday 144.725 MHz (+/- QRM), commencing 19:00 local.
Christchurch Amateur Radio Society (CARS) is a modest and friendly club in the seaside village of Mudeford (part of Christchurch) in south east Dorset.
Our Club Night is from 19:30 every Thursday at our dedicated Clubhouse (look for the antennas) adjacent to the East Christchurch Sports & Social Club.
Grange Road, Christchurch, BH23 4JE — Locator IO90DR & WAB SZ19
Club callsign G0MUD details on QRZ.com
The club was formed in 1985 and originally drew its members from the adjacent Siemens Plessey communications/electronics factory and research establishment.

The club is open to anyone with an interest in radio, and we have exceptional facilities (accessible 24/7) including a club room, a dedicated training/practical room, two radio shacks (HF and VHF/UHF/ATV), a kitchen and a storeroom/office. These facilities are accessible by club members at all times. CARS is part of East Christchurch Sports & Social Club with which we share the site. Membership of the Social Club gives access to a bar and other recreational facilities.
Our qualified tutors are available to provide support for members studying at all three levels of the RSGB examinations (Foundation, Intermediate and Full). The club is an RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain) registered exam centre (DT 63).

Our Clubhouse is accessible for those with mobility impairment (level entry).
If you wish to join us you are welcome to visit on a Thursday evening.