Policies, Rules and Procedures 2024

This document sets out Policies Rules and Procedures (‘Policies’) issued and reviewed from time to time  by the Committee. These Policies supplement and are to be read in conjunction with the Constitution.  Members should ensure they are familiar with the terms of such documents. Any suggestions for new or  amended Policies which a member considers may be helpful may be made to any Committee member for  consideration by the Committee. Where relevant paragraph numbering in Part A of these Policies  corresponds to the equivalent numbering of the provisions of the Constitution. 

Part A  

1. Name (Blank) 

2. Aims (Blank) 

3. Membership and Member Responsibilities 

1. Members must sign in on entry to the Society’s premises. 

2. Members are expected to have mutual respect for the views, actions and privacy of others.  

3. Application for membership shall be made on a form obtainable from any committee member.  Completed forms shall be submitted for consideration and subsequent acceptance or rejection by  the Committee. No reason for the rejection of any application need be given. 

4. A member may apply to the Committee for a key to the Society’s premises on payment of a  deposit which is refundable when the key is returned. 

5. Members are permitted to operate any of the Society’s radio equipment as long as they are  licenced and competent to do so. 

6. Members are expected to take reasonable care of the Society’s equipment and must report loss of  or damage to any Society equipment or property to the Secretary immediately after the event or  occurrence. 

7. In the event of loss of or damage to Society equipment or property due to default or negligence on  the part of a member or members, that member or those members shall, if requested by the  Committee, pay such amount as the Committee may determine to be fair and reasonable in the  circumstances to reflect any uninsured loss suffered by the Society. 

8. Members who are under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all meetings, when present in the Society’s premises and when using the Society’s equipment 

9. No member shall use the name of the Society or the address of the clubhouse in connection with  any trade or business. 

10. Honorary Life Membership may be granted to any person, who, in the opinion of the Committee,  has rendered outstanding service to the Society, either directly or indirectly. Such membership  shall carry the rights of membership but shall be free from subscriptions. 

11. Members may invite guests to meetings. Non members may not attend more than three meetings  in any 12 month period without making an application for membership. 

12. Unless otherwise provided, decisions at meetings shall be taken on the basis of a simple majority  in favour. 

4. Subscriptions 

1. In setting the annual subscription the Committee shall take due account of the Society’s financial  plans and prevailing economic conditions. 

2. The Committee may apply a reduced subscription to members joining part way through the  Society’s membership year.  

3. The Committee may waive, amend or return in whole or in part any subscription in exceptional  circumstances for a period not exceeding one year at a time. 

4. Persons in full time education will be eligible for a reduction of 50% of the membership fee.

5. The Membership Card shall act as a receipt for the subscription. 

5. Finance  

1. Expenditure in excess of £750 shall be subject to consultation with the membership. 

2. Authorised signatories are the Chairman, Vice chairman, Treasurer and Secretary of the  committee. 

6. Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members 

1. The Chairman will preside at all meetings at which he is present. No member may normally hold  this position for more than three consecutive years. The Chairman may be re-elected after a break  of one year. 

2. The Vice-Chairman will act as chairman in the absence of the Chairman.  

3. The Secretary will be responsible for: 

1. keeping the minutes of all meetings of the Society. 

2. dealing with correspondence 

3. maintaining for insurance purposes, records of any Society equipment. 

4. The Treasurer will be responsible for: 

1. keeping the Society’s accounts. 

2. advising the Committee on all financial matters. 

3. maintaining a master roll of members and honorary members. 

4. preparing the accounts for examination and presenting them at the AGM. 

5. reviewing from time to time the Society’s insurances. 

5. The Committee may delegate or allocate other responsibilities among themselves or to other  members with their agreement. 

7. Committee Standing Orders 

1. The Committee shall meet not less than three times a year and whenever summoned by the  Secretary. 

2. The minutes shall be presented at the following meeting of that Committee for confirmation. 

3. The Committee may establish sub-committees upon such terms and for such purposes as it may  decide. 

4. Any Member of the Society shall be eligible for election to the Committee subject to such a  qualifying period of continuous membership of at least one year. 

8. Annual General Meeting procedure 

1. Not less than 28 days prior to the AGM, each current Committee member shall notify the  Secretary whether they intend to stand for re-election at the forthcoming AGM. 

2. The Secretary will include in the information circulated with the AGM calling notice:

1. a list of the current Committee members 

2. a list of those Committee members who wish to stand for re-election. 

3. a nomination form, in a form approved by the Committee, to be completed by every candidate  for the Committee and proposed and seconded as required 

3. All completed nomination forms must be submitted to the Secretary prior to the start of the AGM  

4. At the appropriate point in the AGM agenda, the retiring Secretary shall read out the list of  nominations for the role of Chairman. Selection of the successful candidate shall be by a simple  majority of members present on a show of hands, unless 5 or more members demand a secret  ballot. 

5. Thereupon, the newly-appointed Chairman shall read out the list of nominations for each other  committee position in turn, which shall be voted upon in a similar manner. 

6. If no nomination has been received for a particular committee role, then the Chairman may accept  nominations from the floor of the meeting, which shall be voted upon in a similar manner.  Alternatively, the Chairman may ask the meeting to approve holding that position in abeyance  until a suitable candidate has been identified, and that person may be co-opted to the committee  with full voting rights pending due nomination at the next AGM. 

7. No business other than that set out in the Constitution will be conducted at an AGM. 

8. Following the conclusion of the AGM other matters of interest may be discussed by the members  present. 

9. Extraordinary General Meeting 

1. At an EGM the Chairman shall be entitled to vote initially and shall have a second casting vote in  the event of a tied decision. 

10 Amendments to Constitution. (Blank) 

11. Winding up of the Society 

1. The Committee shall establish a timetable and process for completion of the winding up. 

2. The assets of the Society shall be realised. Physical items shall be auctioned to achieve the best  price reasonably obtainable. 

3. It is important that any equipment loaned to the Society by individual members is clearly marked  so that it may be returned to the owner in the event of winding up of the Society. 

12 Virtual Meetings 

1. The Committee will decide upon the platform for any virtual meeting and the status of the meeting dependent upon the business to be transacted. 

2. Available platforms may include real time video meetings, real time or delayed text based  meetings and e-mail discussions which are time limited for responses.  

3. Responses to a motion put at a virtual meeting must be notified to the Secretary within a specified  timescale of not less than 7 days. A decision taken at a virtual meeting will be considered valid if  the total number of responses received, whether indicating for or against the motion or an  abstention, shall meet the relevant quorum requirements set out in the Constitution. 

Part B  

(This is for other policies and procedures not related to the Constitution. For example GDPR and  Safeguarding policy.) 


Policies, Rules & Procedures Last Modified 16/05/24